This post, ‘SSRAP: Start the Course’, gives an overview of System Safety Risk Assessment Programs. It describes the Learning Objectives of the Course and its five modules. We’re going to learn how to:
- Describe fundamental risk concepts.
- Explain what a Systems Safety Approach to Risk is.
- Define within that System Safety Approach, what a Risk Analysis Program is.
- List Hazard Analysis Tasks that make up a program.
- Select tasks to meet our needs.
This post is part of a series:
- Intro to System Safety Risk Assessment
- This Post is the Start of the System Safety Risk Assessment Programs Course
- Hazard & Risk Basics (SSRAP Module 1)
- System safety risk analysis (SSRAP Module 2)
SSRAP: Start of the Course – Transcript
Welcome to this course on System Safety Risk Analysis Programs. It’s a five-part course for beginners and practitioners. It will also benefit a wider range of people.
Learning Objectives
In this course, we will learn how to do several things. First of all, we’re going to learn how to describe fundamental risk concepts. We’re going to explain what a Systems Safety Approach to Risk is and what it does. We will define within that System Safety Approach, what a Risk Analysis Program is. We’re going to be able to list Hazard Analysis Tasks that make up a program. We’ll be able to select tasks to meet our needs.
At the end of this task, we should be able to design a tailored Risk Analysis Program for any application. And also, we’re going to learn how to get some more information resources on how to do that.
Topics for this Course
So how is that going to work? Well. In five modules. In Module One, we’re going to go over some risk basics. The reason for this is to make sure we’ve got a common understanding.
In Module Two, we’re going to look at Systems Safety Risk Analysis. What it is, what it does, and the benefits it delivers.
In Module Three, we will look at a particular System Safety Program Standard. We will understand what it was designed to do and learn what it’s good and not so good at.
In Module Four, we’re going to take all the previous knowledge from Modules One to Three and put it together. We will use that information to design a Risk Analysis Program. This information can also help design any number of programs depending on what we want to do.
And then finally, in Module Five, we’ll look at where to get more resources to take us deeper to the next level…
This is SSRAP: Start of the Course
This is Module 1 from the System Safety Risk Assessment Program (SSRAP) Course. Risk Analysis Programs – Design a System Safety Program for any system in any application.
The full course comprises 15 lessons and 1.5 hours of video content, plus resources. It’s on pre-sale at HALF PRICE until September 1st, 2024. Check out all the free preview videos here and order using the coupon “Pre-order-Half-Price-SSRAP”. But don’t leave it too long because there are only 100 half-price courses available!
Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:
•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;
•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);
•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;
•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;
•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.