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  1. PHI.
  2. PHA.
  3. SRHA.
  4. SSHA.
  5. SHA.
  6. O&SHA.
  7. HHA.
  8. FHA.
  9. SoSHA.
  10. EHA.
  11. System Safety Process.
  12. SSRAP 1 & 2 (includes SATO).


This series of courses teaches the system safety analysis tasks from Mil-Std-882E. When combined, they allow us to assess a system’s safety in its given role and operating environment.

Design a Safety Risk Assessment Program for ANY system in ANY application. This course covers all ten analysis tasks from the defense system safety standard Mil-Std-882E.

Whatever it is, you will learn how to tailor your risk assessment, using the analyses you need. You will be able to meet your legal and regulatory requirements. Once you’ve learned how to do this, you can apply it to almost any system.  There are ten lessons.

I just posted these courses on Udemy, and they are on sale at unbeatable prices. Please use these links to access the courses; otherwise, Udemy takes 67% of my revenue!

Introduction to System / Product / Design Safety Concepts

NEW! Get the FREE introductory course here:

Preliminary Hazard Identification, Task 201

Preliminary Hazard Analysis, Task 202

System Requirements Hazard Analysis, Task 203

Sub-System Hazard Analysis, Task 204

System Hazard Analysis, Task 205

Operating & Support Hazard Analysis, Task 206

Health Hazard Analysis, Task 207

Functional Hazard Analysis, Task 208

System of Systems Hazard Analysis, Task 209

Environmental Hazard Analysis, Task 210

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Blog Safety Management

Navigating the Safety Case

Navigating the Safety Case is Part 4 of a four-part series on safety cases. In it, we look at timing issues and typical content through the safety case lifecycle.

A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Project Safety

When embarking on any significant project, ensuring safety isn’t just a step in the process—it’s the foundation of success. A Safety Case is the bedrock of this commitment, systematically building the evidence needed to demonstrate that a system is safe for use throughout its lifecycle. Here’s a vibrant, step-by-step guide to understanding and implementing Safety Cases effectively.

Starting the Safety Journey: Initiation

The moment that Safety Management activity kicks off, the Safety Case begins to take shape. Think of it as an evolving tapestry where each thread represents a layer of safety assurance.

Milestone Checkpoints: Producing Safety Case Reports

Safety Case Reports should be produced at pivotal milestones to maintain accountability and ensure progress. These reports not only showcase progress but also serve as vital checkpoints to align all stakeholders. Common milestones include:

  1. Approval of the Outline Business Case
  2. Approval of the Full Business Case
  3. Authorization to begin demonstration trials
  4. Completion of major design phases
  5. Commitment to production
  6. Testing, acceptance, and user trials
  7. System introduction to service
  8. Design or material state updates (e.g., midlife refresh)
  9. Operational changes
  10. Disposal of the system

These reports should align with the Project Safety Management Plan, serving as contractual deliverables between the contractor and the project team.

Keeping it Alive: Periodic Reviews

Safety isn’t static. The Safety Case is a living document requiring ongoing updates, reviews, and configuration control. Regular reviews ensure it adapts to new challenges, emerging risks, and evolving system requirements.

Gathering Insights: Required Inputs

To build a robust Safety Case, a wealth of inputs is essential. These include data and outputs from key procedures such as hazard identification, risk estimation, risk reduction, and safety requirements. The journey is a collaborative effort where insights from all corners of the project feed into the evolving safety narrative.

The Safety Case and Safety Case Report require inputs from:

  1. Outputs from Procedure SMP01 – Safety Initiation;
  2. Outputs from Procedure SMP02 – Safety Committee;
  3. Outputs from Procedure SMP03 – Safety Planning;
  4. Outputs from Procedure SMP04 – Preliminary Hazard Identification and Analysis;
  5. Outputs from Procedure SMP05 – Hazard Identification and Analysis;
  6. Outputs from Procedure SMP06 – Risk Estimation;
  7. Outputs from Procedure SMP07 – Risk and ALARP Evaluation;
  1. Outputs from Procedure SMP08 – Risk Reduction;
  2. Outputs from Procedure SMP09 – Risk Acceptance;
  3. Outputs from Procedure SMP10 – Safety Requirements and Contracts;
  4. Outputs from Procedure SMP11 – Hazard Log.

Delivering Confidence: Required Outputs

At its core, the Safety Case outputs are more than just documents—they are the backbone of confidence for all stakeholders. The primary outputs include:

  • Controlled documentation supporting the safety of the system
  • Detailed Safety Case Reports tailored to each project phase
  • Evidence-backed arguments showcasing tolerable risk levels

Breaking It Down: Typical Safety Case Report Content

An effective Safety Case Report doesn’t just inform; it assures. Here’s what it typically includes:

  • Executive Summary: Assurance of safety progress and stakeholder alignment
  • System Description: Boundaries, scope, and interface clarity
  • Assumptions: Factors underpinning safety requirements
  • Progress Assessment: Updates on safety activities and milestones
  • Risk Management: Documentation of hazards, risks, and mitigation strategies
  • Emergency and Contingency Plans: Preparedness for unforeseen circumstances
  • Operational Guidance: Practical safety insights for operators

The Lifecycle Perspective: Safety Cases at Every Stage

Concept Stage

Here, safety begins with identifying risks early, crafting strategies, and ensuring feasibility. By the Outline Business Case, the safety vision should be clear, even if some areas remain undefined.

Assessment Phase

Building on the Concept Stage, this phase involves a deeper analysis of risks and strategies for mitigation, culminating in a Safety Case Report for the Full Business Case.

Demonstration & Trials

Safety during trials ensures a controlled environment for testing and evaluation. Detailed Safety Management Plans guide this phase, ensuring all involved parties understand their responsibilities.

Introduction to Service

At this stage, safety extends to operational readiness—ensuring support facilities, training, and logistic arrangements are in place.


Disposal planning begins early, considering risks throughout the system’s life. Safety Cases for disposal ensure proper handling, whether through recycling, scrapping, or resale, minimizing liability and environmental impact.


The Safety Case is more than a procedural requirement—it’s a commitment to integrity, collaboration, and responsibility. By weaving together comprehensive safety practices at every stage, projects can achieve a level of confidence that benefits all stakeholders.

Are you ready to take your Safety Case to the next level? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Blog Safety Management

The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case


In The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case, we look at how to Review and revise a Safety Case and Re-Issue a Safety Case Report.

When it comes to ensuring safety throughout any Product, System, or Service lifecycle, reviewing and revising the Safety Case isn’t just a recommendation—it’s essential. The age or status of equipment isn’t simply about how old it is. Instead, it reflects an understanding of its condition, the effects of changes, and its performance in varying environments over time. Let’s dive into the key principles of maintaining and revising a Safety Case and the potential risks and strategies to avoid them.

Why Review the Safety Case?

Changes in operations, equipment condition, or organizational controls can disrupt the assumptions on which the original Safety Case was built. Recognizing when a review is needed ensures safety remains uncompromised.

Here are examples of scenarios that demand attention:

  • Structural Modifications: Repairs or upgrades impacting safety.
  • New Activities: Introduction of new tasks or uses for the equipment.
  • Environmental Changes: Shifts in operational environments or equipment roles.
  • Incident Data: Insights from accidents or maintenance inspections.
  • System Evolution: Decommissioning, extended use, or technological upgrades.

Figure: Relationship between the Safety Management System and Safety Case in terms of Age and Status

Relationship between the Safety Management System and Safety Case

Challenging Assumptions: The Foundation of Safety

A Safety Case is never static—it evolves as evidence and conditions change. It’s vital to challenge existing arguments continually. If new evidence undermines the validity of the Safety Case, steps like obtaining further proof, implementing corrective actions, or, in extreme cases, halting operations may be necessary.

Consider this: what was deemed safe at one time might become risky due to wear, updates, or new findings. Regular reviews ensure the Safety Case remains robust and relevant.

Ownership and Administration: Who’s in Charge?

The custodian of the Safety Case is the Project Safety Manager, the linchpin in ensuring safety throughout the lifecycle of the system. This individual must coordinate all safety activities, maintain the Safety Case, and oversee its interaction with the Safety Management System (SMS).

While contractors may handle the technical details, the responsibility for ensuring the integrity and adequacy of the Safety Case rests with the appointed safety delegation holder.

Records Matter: Documenting Safety

Every decision, from hazard mitigation to safety strategy adjustments, must be meticulously recorded. Key documents feeding into this process include:

  • System Requirements Document: Detailing specific safety needs.
  • Customer-Supplier Agreement: Outlining deliverables.
  • Through-Life Management Plan: Ensuring continuity in safety oversight.

A central part of this process is the Hazard Log, which serves as the repository of all identified risks and their management status. (see Procedure SMP11 – Hazard Log).

Avoiding Pitfalls: The Warnings

The warnings and project risks identified in all the other procedures, from SMP01 to SMP11 can manifest themselves through effects on the Safety Case, as it brings their outputs together. Also, there are other project risks specific to the Safety Case.

Neglecting regular reviews or documentation can lead to significant issues, including:

  1. Delays in Safety Approvals: Failure to engage approval authorities early can result in unmet safety requirements and service delays.
  2. Outdated Safety Cases: A mismatch between documentation and the system’s current state undermines credibility.
  3. Inadequate Risk Analysis: Improper techniques during safety assessments may yield an incomplete Safety Case.
  4. Lost Records: Poor documentation management can erode trust in the safety process.

Completing the Circle: The Role of Collaboration

Maintaining a credible and effective Safety Case is a collective effort. Contractors, safety committees, and stakeholders must work in concert to identify and mitigate hazards. Sharing data, especially during transitions between contractors, is crucial to avoiding gaps in safety oversight.

Wrapping Up

The Safety Case is more than a set of documents—it’s a dynamic framework ensuring that safety risks are continuously managed throughout the lifecycle of a system. With proper reviews, updates, and collaboration, it provides confidence that safety remains a top priority, no matter the changes a system undergoes.

This blog article is Part 3 of a series. It follows on from Part 2.

Meet the Author of ‘The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case’

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.


The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4

The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4 brings you all of The Safety Artisan’s blog posts from the first six months of this year. I hope that you find this a useful resource!

The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4: 18 Posts!

    FREE for FIVE DAYS ONLY: All courses. Get $320 worth of courses for FREE. Use these Links to make a (free) purchase of all courses within FIVE DAYS; once purchased, you can access them forever. ************************************************ This series of courses teaches the system safety analysis tasks from Mil-Std-882E. When combined, they allow us to assess… Read more: FREE for FIVE DAYS ONLY
  • Navigating the Safety Case
    Navigating the Safety Case is Part 4 of a four-part series on safety cases. In it, we look at timing issues and typical content through the safety case lifecycle. A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Project Safety When embarking on any significant project, ensuring safety isn’t just a step in the process—it’s the foundation of success.… Read more: Navigating the Safety Case
  • The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case
    Introduction In The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case, we look at how to Review and revise a Safety Case and Re-Issue a Safety Case Report. When it comes to ensuring safety throughout any Product, System, or Service lifecycle, reviewing and revising the Safety Case isn’t just a recommendation—it’s essential. The age or status of… Read more: The Lifelong Evolution of a Safety Case
  • The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4
    The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4 brings you all of The Safety Artisan’s blog posts from the first six months of this year. I hope that you find this a useful resource! The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4: 18 Posts! The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4 is it for this year – thanks, everyone! Meet… Read more: The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4
  • Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2
    In Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2, we move on to review and sign off on the artifacts. Introduction In any high-stakes environment—whether it’s defense, engineering, or aviation—Safety Case Reports play an essential role in validating the safety of a system. A meticulous review and sign-off process ensures that these… Read more: Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2
  • Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report
    Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report: A Comprehensive Guide for Project Safety Assurance – PART 1 [Picture by Eric Bruton from] Introduction Building a robust Safety Case and Safety Case Report is essential to ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of complex systems within the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and similarly regulated… Read more: Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report
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  • Guide to Establishing and Running a Project Safety Committee (PSC)
    Our Second Safety Management Procedure is the Project Safety Committee. Okay, so committees are not the sexiest subject, but we need to get stakeholders together to make things happen! Project Safety Committee: Introduction In safety-critical industries such as defense, aerospace, and engineering, maintaining a robust safety management system (SMS) is paramount. A Project Safety Committee… Read more: Guide to Establishing and Running a Project Safety Committee (PSC)
  • Project Safety Initiation
    In ‘Project Safety Initiation’ we look at what you need to do to get your safety project or program started. Introduction Definitions A stakeholder is anyone who will be affected by the introduction of the system and who needs to be consulted or informed about the development and fielding of the system, and anyone who contributes to… Read more: Project Safety Initiation
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The 2024 Blog Digest – Q3/Q4 is it for this year – thanks, everyone!

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Safety Management

Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2

In Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2, we move on to review and sign off on the artifacts.

Introduction In any high-stakes environment—whether it’s defense, engineering, or aviation—Safety Case Reports play an essential role in validating the safety of a system. A meticulous review and sign-off process ensures that these reports meet every necessary standard before they are officially issued. Let’s dive into the distinct types of approvals in the Safety Case Report review process, what they signify, and how they work together to ensure comprehensive safety oversight.

Understanding Review and Sign-Off Terminology

When dealing with complex Safety Case Reports, different stages of review carry unique responsibilities. Below are the key terms that guide the process of approving a Safety Case Report:

  1. Agreeing on a Document
    To agree on a document means that the reviewer acknowledges it accurately represents the current situation. This doesn’t imply full approval but rather confirms that the document is aligned with the reviewer’s knowledge and understanding of the current state.
  2. Endorsing a Document
    To endorse a document, the reviewer confirms that the report complies with all necessary policies, procedures, and best practices. Endorsement reflects a broader scope of confidence, going beyond mere factual accuracy to affirm that the report aligns with the organization’s or industry’s standards.
  3. Authorizing a Document
    The authorization step is significant: it implies that the document may be issued and the reviewer personally accepts responsibility for its contents. At this point, the Safety Case Report is ready for dissemination, pending any final checks, and represents the highest level of accountability within the review process.
  4. Providing Assurance
    As outlined in Def Stan 00-56, assurance represents the overarching confidence that the Safety Case Report satisfies all safety requirements. Assurance is based on evidence from the review process, ensuring that the system in question meets both internal and external safety expectations.
This diagram is sourced from ASEMS.

Key Players in Safety Case Report Review

Independent Safety Auditors (ISA)
In most fields, endorsement by Independent Safety Auditors is required as set forth in domain-specific JSPs (Joint Service Publications). These auditors bring an impartial perspective, helping ensure the project aligns with regulatory and safety standards. Non-regulatory authorities are only involved when their policies directly impact the project, providing relevant insights without imposing extra requirements.

Stakeholders in Review Order
The review order by Independent Safety Auditors, stakeholders, and team members can vary, and in some cases, reviews may happen in parallel. This flexibility helps streamline approvals as projects progress, while still meeting all mandated review steps shown by bold, solid-bordered boxes in each approval cycle.

Lifecycle-Based Review Adjustments
Review processes should adapt across different stages of the project lifecycle, reflecting the evolving nature of safety assessments. In the early stages, the Safety Authority may serve as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to guide project leaders, especially if they have formally delegated safety responsibilities. Early involvement of Safety Regulators is essential in confirming that the Safety Case approach aligns with regulatory expectations, paving the way for approval at later stages.

Authority of the Defence Safety Authority (DSA)
With its role as a Regulator, the Defence Safety Authority (DSA) has several tools for managing enforcement actions. From issuing Corrective Action Reports to, in severe cases, withdrawing authorizations or approvals to operate equipment, the DSA’s regulatory reach is extensive.

Safety Case Report Terminology Clarification

Understanding specific terminology is crucial, as terms like “endorsement” may be used differently across documents. For instance, the endorsement of Safety Case Reports by the Duty Holder has a unique context within MOD Shipping Regulations (DSA02-DMR). Importantly, it’s the Safety Case Report itself, not the underlying Safety Case body of evidence, that is subjected to this approval process.

Key Milestones in Safety Case Reporting

Safety Case Reports are vital at specific points throughout a project. The Project Safety Management Plan establishes these delivery points, typically at stages such as:

  • Outline Business Case: Initial project approval
  • Full Business Case: Final project approval
  • Demonstration Trials: Clearance to begin testing
  • Design Completion: Design baseline is agreed
  • Production Commitment: Readiness for manufacturing
  • User Trials: Clearance for testing by end-users
  • Service Introduction: Official product release
  • Major Updates: Mid-life upgrades or significant changes
  • Usage Changes: Shifts in operational use
  • Disposal: Safe decommissioning and disposal

These milestones help projects track safety progress, ensuring risks are managed at each critical juncture.

ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) Risks
When risks cannot be mitigated to ALARP standards, they must be documented as unresolved actions in the Hazard Log. These are then incorporated into both the Project Safety Plan and the Safety Case Report to enable corrective action in the next project phase.

Authorization and Accountability in the Safety Case Process

Within the Project

Authorization by the Project’s safety-responsible member signifies their endorsement of the project’s safety progression. Prior to this, unresolved issues from the Project Safety Committee or Independent Safety Auditor should be addressed to ensure all feedback has been incorporated.

Outside the Project

The Duty Holder, usually from the Front Line Command, represents the interests of users and front-line operations. Their acceptance of risk reflects the project’s readiness to meet frontline demands and their willingness to accept the outlined safety measures.

Land Systems and Duty Holder Collaboration

For land systems, the Duty Holder’s acceptance is crucial for documenting the shared responsibility of operational safety. The Duty Holder and project safety manager jointly sign the Part 3 Safety Case, symbolizing a mutual commitment to safety oversight. Any updates in the Safety Case Report require similar signatures to reflect updated safety responsibilities.

Endorsement by Regulatory Authorities

When a project falls under formal regulatory requirements, the Safety Case must include all supporting evidence necessary for regulatory review. Approval certificates and certification notices serve as proof that the system meets specific safety criteria, while any safety-specific conditions are also documented in the Safety Case.

Approval Process for Safety Case Reports
At each milestone, the Project Safety Committee—often including the Independent Safety Auditor—reviews the Safety Case Report for accuracy. Observations and recommendations are compiled, contributing to the final report presented to the project’s safety-responsible member for authorization.

Regulator and Certification Authority Endorsements
The Project Safety Management Plan outlines the required safety approvals and responsible authorities, such as the Ordnance, Munitions & Explosives Safety Review Panel, Naval Authorities, or Military Laser Safety Committee. It’s essential for the project team to distinguish between advisory authorities and those directly responsible for regulatory compliance.

Managing safety within complex projects requires a thorough, structured approach to Safety Case Report review, approval, and endorsement. From early planning to final authorization, engaging with Independent Safety Auditors, Duty Holders, and regulatory authorities ensures the project meets all necessary safety standards. By adhering to this process, projects can confidently progress, knowing they are aligned with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

That was ‘Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2’. Part 1 of this series is here. Part 3 is coming soon!

Meet the Author of Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report – Part 2

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Safety Management

Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report

Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report: A Comprehensive Guide for Project Safety Assurance – PART 1

[Picture by Eric Bruton from]


Building a robust Safety Case and Safety Case Report is essential to ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of complex systems within the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and similarly regulated industries. From risk management and regulatory compliance to stakeholder approval, these documents play a pivotal role in documenting and demonstrating that a system meets safety requirements throughout its lifecycle.

To understand the scope and purpose of these documents, we’ll start with definitions.

What is a Safety Case?
Defined in Def Stan 00-056, a Safety Case is:

“A structured argument, supported by a body of evidence that provides a compelling, comprehensible, and valid case that a system is safe for a given application in a given environment.”

What is a Safety Case Report?
Also defined in Def Stan 00-056, a Safety Case Report is:

“A report that summarises the arguments and evidence of the Safety Case, and documents progress against the Safety Programme.”

Objectives of the Safety Case

A well-prepared Safety Case achieves several key objectives:

  1. Documenting Evidence
    A thorough record of all evidence ensures that the system meets established Safety Requirements and all identified risks are As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
  2. Safe Execution of Activities
    For systems undergoing testing or trials, the Safety Case ensures these activities can proceed without jeopardizing safety.
  3. Justifying Safety of the System
    By clearly articulating the arguments and evidence, the Safety Case justifies the system’s safety through validated processes and assessments.
  4. Gaining Approval
    In cases where safety approvals are required beyond the project level, the Safety Case serves as the official documentation submitted to regulators or higher authorities for review.

Procedure for Developing a Safety Case

The creation of a Safety Case within the MOD follows a well-structured, iterative approach, evolving alongside the project from concept through to service.

Step-by-Step Process

The Safety Case is generated in stages, starting with conceptual safety requirements and progressing through assessment, development, and manufacturing stages. The document consolidates safety data and insights from contractors, MOD procedures, and risk assessments, providing a holistic picture of safety efforts and compliance.

  1. Incorporating Contractor and MOD Data
    The Safety Case combines all safety assessments and risk management activities, ensuring comprehensive and traceable safety information.
  2. Leveraging Diverse Evidence
    Safety evidence can vary, including historical, analytical, test, and expert judgment inputs. A structured approach ensures that all critical safety information is preserved and accessible.
  3. Compliance and Regulatory Approvals
    The Safety Case facilitates submissions to MOD safety authorities for approvals, such as safety certificates or internal safety audits.

Why the Safety Case Concept is Good Practice

Several key factors make the Safety Case framework essential in high-risk industries, including defense and manufacturing:

  • Prioritization of Safety Efforts: Risk assessments at the core of the Safety Case help allocate resources effectively.
  • Adherence to Legal Standards: The written evidence in a Safety Case aligns with common law requirements, ensuring robust legal compliance.
  • Efficient Knowledge Transfer: Documented safety records reduce risks associated with high staff turnover.
  • Cost-Efficiency and Safety Culture: Implementing a structured safety management system reduces accidents, boosts morale, and supports a proactive safety culture.

Producing the Safety Case Documentation

An effective Project Safety Management Plan is critical to the organization of the Safety Case documentation. It should include:

  1. Role Assignments
    Designate a responsible individual to oversee the safety documentation process.
  2. Approval Protocols
    Define both internal and external approval workflows to streamline safety documentation reviews.
  3. Documentation for All Stages
    Ensure that documentation covers the design, construction, manufacture, and operational phases, aligning with the safety significance of each stage.

Safety Case Documentation Lifecycle

The Safety Case is dynamic and should adapt throughout the project lifecycle to maintain relevance as the system evolves.

  1. System Development and Trials
    The Safety Case Report must evolve during development and trials, reflecting any updates to design or safety features.
  2. Project Milestones
    At each project milestone, the Safety Case Report should validate that safety standards are being met and provide support for decision-making regarding continued development.
  3. Variant Systems
    Safety Cases can be structured to accommodate system variations by creating a single report with variant-specific appendices or compatibility matrices.

Handling Safety Case Caveats

Projects may occasionally need to progress with certain “caveats” or limitations due to incomplete safety information. When this occurs, the following should be considered:

  1. Clear Communication of Caveats
    Define the limitations and inform all relevant stakeholders, ensuring they understand any usage restrictions.
  2. Compliance Monitoring
    Enforce caveat compliance and evaluate whether limitations may introduce additional risks.

Long-Term Safety Documentation Retention

MOD mandates stringent retention periods for safety documentation based on potential risks and exposure, ranging from 2 to 50 years depending on the nature of the hazard. Retention policies are essential for maintaining comprehensive records for the MOD and assisting in post-project reviews or incident investigations.

Transparency in Safety Information Disclosure

While certain MOD establishments may restrict the disclosure of sensitive information under the Public Interests Disclosure Act, unclassified safety documentation should remain accessible to relevant parties and stakeholders, supporting transparency in public safety efforts.

By following the guidance outlined above, project teams can ensure that their Safety Cases not only meet MOD requirements but also foster a culture of safety excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement.

Crafting a Safety Case and Safety Case Report Part 2 is coming soon!

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Safety Management

In-Service Safety Management System

In-Service Safety Management System: Ensuring Long-Term Safety for Military Equipment

Safety is paramount when it comes to military operations, especially for in-service equipment relied upon by personnel daily. This article delves into the intricacies of maintaining an In-Service Safety Management System, offering insight into how safety practices are implemented, monitored, and evolved over time.

Introduction: Why In-Service Safety Matters

When military equipment enters service, the journey of ensuring its safe use doesn’t end there. An effective In-Service Safety Management System (SMS) oversees all safety-related aspects of equipment throughout its operational life. From day-to-day safety practices to long-term risk management, the SMS is vital for sustained safety performance. It also provides a roadmap for identifying, documenting, and addressing safety requirements as equipment evolves over time.

Key Definitions

A Safety Management System, according to Def Stan 00-056, is defined as:

“The organisational structure, processes, procedures, and methodologies that enable the direction and control of the activities necessary to meet safety requirements and safety policy objectives.”

This structure ensures every team member understands the standards and processes needed to maintain operational safety.

Objectives: What an In-Service SMS Aims to Achieve

The primary objectives of an in-service SMS are twofold:

  1. To recognize and uphold the safety requirements essential for equipment performance.
  2. To continuously document these processes, forming an auditable Safety Case to maintain accountability.

An effective SMS aligns with various support areas, referred to as “Lines of Development.” These encompass personnel, training, sustainability, infrastructure, and facilities, ensuring that each line functions in sync for safe operations from the equipment’s inception to its eventual decommissioning.

The SMS also involves continuous Risk Management, adjusting to changes such as equipment enhancements or new usage contexts. This proactive monitoring ensures that safety assurance is consistently updated and accurate.

Procedure for Sustaining Safety Performance

The SMS structure is implemented through the following methods:

  1. Safety Controls
    Essential safety controls cover every phase, from operation to disposal, to reduce risks associated with the equipment. This includes operational limitations, maintenance, emergency preparedness, training, storage, transportation, and waste disposal.
  2. Safety Information Management
    Managing information effectively is vital. Safety data, incident reports, and safety improvement suggestions should be systematically documented, archived, and shared with relevant stakeholders. Maintaining a Hazard Log and a Safety Case as part of the Safety Management Plan ensures all safety data is up-to-date and readily accessible.
  3. Continuous Improvement and Safety Reviews
    Through regular audits, inspections, and incident reporting, the SMS can continually improve by identifying and addressing weaknesses. This proactive monitoring helps ensure that safety risks remain controlled over time.
  4. Configuration Management
    Maintaining a consistent standard for the equipment, including hardware, software, and documentation, is integral to the SMS. Regular reviews address potential issues like obsolescence or outdated manuals to ensure sustained safety performance.
  5. Risk Management
    As modifications and enhancements are made, risk management processes like Hazard Analysis and Risk Evaluation ensure new risks are assessed, managed, and documented.
  6. Lines of Development
    The SMS covers various developmental lines, from training and sustainability to equipment upgrades. Each line contributes to the system’s overall safety, focusing on creating an infrastructure that is both resilient and adaptable.

Safety Records and Documentation: A Foundation for Accountability

The in-service SMS relies on a foundation of well-maintained records. Documents such as the System Requirements Document, Through Life Management Plan, and Project Safety Management Plan with RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) charts support clear communication and accountability among stakeholders. Comprehensive documentation is essential for tracking compliance, reviewing safety measures, and justifying safety performance in the event of an audit.

Potential Risks and Warnings

It’s crucial to establish the SMS requirements early in the project lifecycle. Without these, the project may face delays or even safety risks during operation. Other potential risks include gaps in safety roles or inadequate documentation. An outdated or insufficiently maintained SMS may allow lapses in safety that could result in operational hazards or accidents.

Ongoing Review and Development

The SMS must remain dynamic to handle evolving requirements. Major changes, such as equipment modifications or regulatory updates, require a thorough review of the SMS. This adaptive approach helps ensure that safety protocols evolve alongside the equipment, preventing oversights or outdated practices.

Timing for Effective SMS Implementation

An SMS should ideally be drafted early and continually updated as the project progresses. By staying aligned with project developments, it ensures a seamless transition to the in-service phase. A Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) chart outlines the responsibilities of every stakeholder, creating a structured approach to safety management. Regular updates also ensure that each stage of the project reflects current safety standards.


For military equipment, safety isn’t a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. An In-Service Safety Management System provides a comprehensive framework that maintains, monitors, and evolves safety practices, ensuring the safety of both the equipment and the personnel who rely on it.

Required Inputs

This procedure for the Safety Case and Safety Case Report requires inputs from:

  1. Outputs from Procedure SMP01 – Safety Initiation;
  2. Outputs from Procedure SMP02 – Safety Committee;
  3. Outputs from Procedure SMP03 – Safety Planning;
  4. Outputs from Procedure SMP04 – Preliminary Hazard Identification and Analysis;
  5. Outputs from Procedure SMP05 – Hazard Identification and Analysis;
  6. Outputs from Procedure SMP06 – Risk Estimation;
  7. Outputs from Procedure SMP07 – Risk and ALARP Evaluation;
  8. Outputs from Procedure SMP08 – Risk Reduction;
  9. Outputs from Procedure SMP09 – Risk Acceptance;
  10. Outputs from Procedure SMP10 – Safety Requirements and Contracts;
  11. Outputs from Procedure SMP11 – Hazard Log;
  12. Outputs from Procedure SMP12 – Safety Case and Safety Case Report.

This procedure should draw on information in the following documents, and it should also define changes that should be made to their content:

  1. Through-Life Management Plan;
  2. Integrated Test, Evaluation and Acceptance Plan;
  3. Project Safety Management Plan including RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) chart;
  4. Safety Management System Manuals of stakeholders (e.g. Delivery Teams, Delivery Teams providing sub-systems, Users, authorities responsible for safe storage, transportation, disposal, inspection, audit, incident investigation etc.);
  5. Customer/Supplier Agreements (or similar) defining interfaces and responsibilities for certain Safety Management activities.

Required Outputs

Safety Management System Documentation

The In-Service Safety Management System arrangements should be recorded in various places because of the many authorities involved. For instance, the Safety Management System manuals of different Delivery Teams, user authorities, contractors and support authorities should contain relevant information as well as other documents recording arrangements for Incident and Accident reporting and investigation.

The principal means of bringing together this information should be through the Safety Management Plan and its RACI chart, defining the involvement of the different authorities.

The Project Safety Case should contain a description of the In-Service Safety Management System in operation to ensure that the safety performance of the equipment is achieved and sustained through life.

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Blog Safety Management

Comprehensive Project Safety Management Plans: A Guide

Comprehensive Project Safety Management Plans. Safety is a critical element in any large-scale project, especially in the context of defense and complex systems. One essential tool for managing safety is a Safety Management Plan (SMP). In this article, we’ll break down the process and structure of an effective SMP, highlighting its objectives, content, and how to ensure its successful implementation.

Comprehensive Project Safety Management Plans: Introduction


Safety Management Plan is defined as:

“A document that defines the strategy for addressing safety and documents the Safety Management System for a specific project.”

UK MoD Defence Standard 00-56

In other words, an SMP serves as a structured approach to managing safety across a project’s lifecycle, ensuring that all risks are identified, analyzed, and mitigated effectively.


The core objectives of a Project Safety Management Plan are twofold:

  1. Ensuring Safety Performance: The plan guarantees that the system remains safe throughout its entire lifecycle.
  2. Maintaining Assurance: It provides the necessary information to demonstrate that safety objectives are being met continuously.
  3. Achieving these goals requires a coordinated, structured approach that integrates risk management and establishes clear safety requirements right from the start.

SMP in Practice: Contractor vs. Enterprise Project

Each organization involved in the project—whether it’s the Enterprise Project or a contractor—must produce a distinct SMP that outlines their safety activities. Though separate, these plans should align with each other and the overall project goals. This integration is crucial as safety activities span system development, trials, and any necessary safety approvals.

The SMP discussed here focuses specifically on the Enterprise Project’s plan, which acts as the guiding document for all safety management activities.

Procedure and Methodology

Establishing the Safety Management Framework

The SMP outlines the strategy for ensuring safety and documents the Safety Management System for a particular project. It’s more than just a checklist—it’s a comprehensive program that captures safety timescales, milestones, and other relevant data.

Key areas to be addressed in an SMP include:

  • General Equipment Safety: An overarching review of the equipment’s safety features.
  • System-Specific Requirements: For example, airworthiness or ship-specific hazards.
  • Occupational Safety: Encompassing manual handling, packaging, transport, and more.
  • Operational Safety: Ensuring safe procedures during the use phase.
  • Maintenance Safety: Guidelines for repair and maintenance activities.
  • Training and Disposal: Safety considerations for personnel training and end-of-life disposal of the system.

Creating a Tailored Safety Strategy

No two projects are identical, and neither should their SMPs be. Each plan must be custom-designed to fit the specific project requirements, ensuring a safety strategy that is practical and achievable.

Structuring the SMP: Essential Elements

An effective SMP should contain the following sections:

  1. Outline Description: Clearly defines the equipment, its purpose, operational environment, and expected capabilities.
  2. Safety Management System: Details the system’s objectives, managerial tasks, and responsible organizations.
  3. Responsibilities and Resources: Identifies key personnel and defines their roles through a RACI chart (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed).
  4. Audit Arrangements: Outlines internal and independent audit processes.
  5. Requirements and Acceptance Criteria: Defines safety requirements, targets, and the standards by which success will be measured.
  6. Safety Case Scope and Strategy: Lays out the assessment strategy and techniques to control hazards.
  7. Safety Programme: A comprehensive work plan linked to the Through Life Management Plan.

An example template for structuring your SMP can be found in Annex A. Refer to Annex B for a sample RACI chart to guide accountability and communication.

Warnings and Potential Project Risks

The SMP is the linchpin of project safety management. If not accurately maintained, the project may face unforeseen delays, increased costs, or compromised safety performance.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Inadequate Detail: Missing out on key safety activities can lead to delays and escalated costs.
  • Outdated Information: Failing to keep the SMP updated can result in misalignment with the actual safety activities.
  • Insufficient Review: Lack of endorsement by the Project Safety Committee (PSC) may mean the plan does not accurately reflect stakeholder responsibilities.

These risks underscore the importance of a thorough, continuously updated SMP.

Procedure Completion and Review

The Project Safety Committee (PSC) is responsible for drafting, endorsing, and reviewing the SMP, ensuring that safety requirements and acceptance criteria are clearly defined and agreed upon by all parties.


  • Initial Production: Start as early as the Concept stage.
  • Ongoing Updates: Review and update the SMP regularly, especially during key project milestones.

The SMP should be a living document that evolves as new information arises or project requirements change.

Safety Planning: Required Inputs

This procedure for Safety Planning requires inputs from:

  1. Outputs from procedure SMP01 – Safety Initiation;
  2. Outputs from procedure SMP02 – Safety Committee.

These inputs should be integrated with other management plans throughout the acquisition cycle.


The SMP’s outputs should feed into several project documents, including:

  • System Requirements Document: Capture specific safety needs.
  • Customer Supplier Agreement: Document mutual agreements on safety deliverables.
  • Through Life Management Plan: Align with long-term safety management.
  • Business Case Submissions: Support safety-related elements in decision-making processes.

All meeting minutes should reflect decisions made regarding the SMP’s development and up-issue.


The Safety Management Plan is the cornerstone of safety assurance in complex projects. Properly implemented, it serves as a robust framework to manage safety risks, ensure compliance, and maintain confidence in the system’s safety performance throughout its lifecycle.

By following the structure and content outlined in this guide, project teams can create a comprehensive, effective SMP that aligns with the highest standards of safety management.d up-issue.

Safety Planning: Annex A – Template for a Safety Management Plan


Title of equipment or system to be procured with Requirement reference number.


A brief description of the project including its purpose and the environment it is to operate in. The scope of the project and interfaces with other equipment are also to be identified.


List any specialist advisors who need to be involved in the program and send them a copy of this plan where required. Such advisers should include internal advisors, external regulators, or statutory bodies that provide advice.


A description of the Safety Management System within the Enterprise delivery team to include:

  1. The aims and objectives of the safety management system;
  2. Technical tasks to be undertaken and organization responsible for implementing them;
  3. Identification of project staff with responsibility for carrying out safety tasks. Include those who are to be issued with letters of delegation;
  4. Cross-refer to any relevant project safety documents or reports;
  5. A regime for internal or independent audits of the safety management system;
  6. Details of the project safety panel;
  7. Responsibilities, resources, and interfaces with Enterprise, contractor, and specialist advisors;
  8. Safety reviews, feedback, and reporting procedures;
  9. Transfer arrangements;
  10. Design changes;
  11. Contractor’s trials.


  1. Safety requirements arising from legislation;
  2. Enterprise Certification requirements;
  3. Acceptance criteria;
  4. Safety requirements from the Requirement or;
  5. Safety targets;
  6. Safety-related standards to be applied e.g. British Standards, Defence Standards, International Standards or overseas standards.


Identify the tasks that will enable the safety requirements to be met and develop this into a schedule of work on a Gantt or PERT chart, linked to key stages in the Through Life Management Plan.


This strategy should support the program of work above. It will give consideration to the types of analyses and testing to be carried out. It will define the scope of work of the safety case and the interfaces with associated equipment safety cases.


This plan will be approved by a person with delegated authority.


Plan to be distributed to the management area with responsibility for in-service support. The plan will also be distributed to teams procuring equipment with which the project interfaces and or interacts.

Annex B – RACI Chart example

The SMP should contain a RACI Chart to define which authority is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed for each of the activities in the Safety Programme. A simple example is given below:

ActivitySafety Delegation HolderProject Safety ManagerIndependent Safety AuditorContractor Project Safety EngineerEquipment User
Safety Case PreparationARIRI
Safety Case EndorsementAIRII
Hazard Log AdministrationAIR
Safety Requirements PreparationARRC

Key: R – Responsible; A – Accountable; C – Consulted; I – Informed

Acknowledgment of Copyright

In this article, I have used material from a UK Ministry of Defence guide, reproduced under the terms of the UK’s Open Government Licence.

Comprehensive Project Safety Management Plans: What are Your Questions?

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Blog Safety Management

Guide to Establishing and Running a Project Safety Committee (PSC)

Our Second Safety Management Procedure is the Project Safety Committee. Okay, so committees are not the sexiest subject, but we need to get stakeholders together to make things happen!

Project Safety Committee: Introduction

In safety-critical industries such as defense, aerospace, and engineering, maintaining a robust safety management system (SMS) is paramount. A Project Safety Committee (PSC) plays a vital role in overseeing, coordinating, and ensuring safety compliance throughout the lifecycle of equipment and systems. This guide will explore the role, objectives, and procedures of a PSC, as defined in UK Def Stan 00-56, and provide insights on how to structure and run a PSC effectively.

What is a Project Safety Committee (PSC)?

Safety Committee is defined as:

A group of stakeholders that exercises, oversees, reviews and endorses safety management and safety engineering activities.

Def Stan 00-56

Simply put, the PSC is a formal body composed of experts and decision-makers from various disciplines, convened to ensure that safety-related decisions are well-founded, thoroughly vetted, and correctly implemented.

Objectives of a PSC

The key objectives of a PSC are to ensure effective coordination, agreement, and proper response from those with safety responsibilities. Specifically, the PSC achieves the following:

  1. Coordination of Safety Issues: The PSC acts as a platform where all stakeholders responsible for safety management can ensure coordination on safety issues, eliminating silos.
  2. Access to Knowledge: It provides decision-makers with access to relevant knowledge and expertise across different domains, including engineering, maintenance, user experience, and risk management.
  3. Oversight of the Safety Case: The PSC ensures competent oversight of the safety case throughout its development and maintenance.
  4. Audit Trail: keep detailed meeting records, and establish an audit trail showing that advice was sought and safety decisions were grounded in expertise.

The PSC should facilitate smaller working groups or sub-committees to address specific safety issues when necessary, ensuring that no aspect of the safety management process is overlooked.

In Australia, it is a legal requirement for those with safety responsibilities (Duty Holders) to consult, coordinate and cooperate with others. Other countries may use different terms for similar requirements. The bottom line is that it’s a good idea!

Top Tip

Project Safety Committee: Procedure

Membership of the PSC

The effectiveness of a PSC largely depends on its membership, which should include representatives with specific roles and expertise, as appropriate to the project. Typical members might include:

  • Delivery Team Representatives (e.g., Project Safety Manager)
  • Logistics Support Teams
  • Equipment Support Teams
  • Customer and User Representatives
  • Prime Contractors and Subcontractors
  • Design Organization
  • Independent Safety Auditor
  • Specialist Advisors
  • Regulator / Safety Authority
  • Safety and Environmental Protection Group

Moreover, it may also include contractors, consultants, and subject matter experts from other government departments or foreign defense bodies.

However, don’t invite anybody and everybody ‘just in case’, as this devalues the PSC and its work.

Top Tip

More information on PSC membership has been provided in Annex A – example Terms of Reference for a PSC.

Chair and Quorum

A critical element of any PSC is competent leadership. The PSC Chair must be a safety-competent individual holding formally-delegated authority for the program’s safety tasks, typically defined in a Letter of Delegation. This document outlines the chairperson’s responsibilities and authority.

For a PSC to conduct its business, it must be quorate, meaning a minimum number of key members must be present. This quorum usually consists of:

  • Delivery Team safety delegation holder
  • Project Safety Manager
  • Design organization representative
  • Customer representative
  • Safety Case author

If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting can still proceed, but decisions will only be implemented after receiving approval from the absent quorum members..


In order for a PSC to make decisions concerning the safety of a capability or equipment, it should be declared quorate at the beginning of the meeting. In order for a PSC to be declared quorate, the following SQEP and authorized members should be in attendance:

  • Delivery Team safety delegation holder
  • Project Safety Manager
  • Design organization
  • Customer representative (Project Sponsor)
  • Safety Case author

The quorate for a PSC can be expanded depending on the nature of the project. Details should be provided in the Project Safety Management Plan (SMP) or Terms of Reference.

If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting can still proceed, but decisions will only be implemented after receiving approval from the absent quorum members. 

This is a good point. PSCs don’t always meet frequently, and getting some members to attend can be challenging. Nevertheless, it is important to keep moving forwards.

Top Tip

Meeting Frequency and Structure

PSC meetings should be scheduled regularly, though the frequency will depend on the project’s complexity and phase. Typically, meetings occur more frequently during the early design and review stages, and less frequently once the system is in service.

For smaller projects, PSC activities can be integrated into broader project meetings, ensuring safety remains a specific agenda item. Larger or more complex projects may require dedicated PSC meetings with support from Working Groups to assess hazards or system integrity.

Working Level Support

Depending on the complexity of the project, one or more working groups may be established that support the PSC by assessing hazards or reviewing the integrity of specific systems. Integrity working groups could consider structure, propulsion or other electrical or mechanical systems, reporting significant issues to the PSC.

Role of the Safety Management Committee (SMC)

For large-scale projects or portfolios, a Safety Management Committee (SMC) may be established to manage multiple PSCs across similar systems. This ensures consistency in safety management policy and strategy across projects. The SMC will oversee the activities of individual PSCs, ensuring adherence to safety management plans (SMPs).

Figure 2.1 shows an example of a Safety Committee structure, together with the management documents that sit at the relevant committee level.

Figure 2.1 – Safety Committee Structure

Safety Committee Structure

Figure 2.1 represents an example of a Safety Committee structure, with supporting working groups and hazard reviews in place. Teams can modify the structure of the Safety Committees to suit the specific organization of the program. The emphasis should be on establishing a Safety Committee with suitable chairmanship and Terms of Reference.

The structure shown in Figure 2.1 would be suitable for a large Program managing several important projects. However, it is probably overkill for most projects. With committees, less is sometimes more.

Top Tip

Project Safety Committee Authority and Competence

The chairman of the PSC should hold a Letter of Delegation detailing the authority for carrying out the safety management tasks on that program.

The PSC exists to provide information and specialist advice to those who have specific responsibility for safety management on an acquisition project so that they can reach informed decisions. The Project safety delegation holder should seek and consider relevant advice through the PSC but remain the decision-maker.

While not all members of the PSC need to have specific competence and experience in Safety Management, some committee members must have this competence and are consulted.  In addition to the safety delegation holder, whose competence must be established before their delegation being issued, other members of the PSC who must be safety competent would typically include the Project Safety Manager and the Independent Safety Auditor (if appointed).

As a minimum, the Project Safety Manager should have system safety competence at the practitioner level.  Competence requirements for the safety delegation holder will be defined in a relevant Assignment Specification.

The level of competence needed is driven by many factors – size, complexity, novelty – and this will be discussed under a post on ‘Proportionality’ (TBD).

Top Tip

Where beneficial, combine committees for safety and environmental management activities. Align programs as far as possible and share data where relevant.

Where there are separate safety and environmental committees, these could meet consecutively over the morning and afternoon. Members and specialists should attend as appropriate to each.

The PSC covers groups of similar projects within a Delivery Team where common activities are required. Separate committees are better for very large, high risk or diverse projects within a Delivery Team.

The PSC meets regularly as a body, or its work is included as a permanent item in another forum (in this instance care should be taken that all relevant parties are included), or simply through written communications. This last option is less desirable because there is no opportunity for direct interaction.

Record-Keeping and Documentation

Accurate record-keeping is vital to ensure transparency, accountability, and auditability. PSC meeting minutes should document:

  • Attendees
  • Key discussions
  • Advice and recommendations
  • Decisions made
  • Agreed actions

These records often feed into larger project documentation, such as the System Requirements Document, Through Life Management Plan, and Safety Management System (SMS).

Review and Agreement of Safety Documents

A key PSC function is reviewing safety documents and advising the safety delegation holder on their suitability. Agreement can be recorded formally via document sign-offs or recommendations in PSC minutes. This process ensures that all safety documentation, including the Safety Case, meets the required standards before formal approval and implementation.

Risks and Pitfalls

Failure to establish or effectively run a PSC can lead to significant risks for a project, including:

  • Incomplete stakeholder engagement, leading to safety requirements not being adequately defined.
  • Inappropriate safety activities, if the PSC does not review and approve the SMP.
  • Infrequent meetings, potentially delaying issue identification, risking project time and cost.
  • Lack of clear authority, causing confusion between Enterprise and contractor responsibilities, which could shift accountability from the designers to the PSC.

By mitigating these risks through clear terms of reference, structured meetings, and well-defined roles, the PSC can ensure project safety management remains robust and reliable.

Beware of the PSC delving into detail and doing what is expedient, rather than was is needed. Set appropriate TORs and agendas and stick to them.

Tip Top

If the PSC does not meet with sufficient frequency, then they may not identify in a timely manner, any issues with the safety program. This could result in impacts on project time and cost.

If the PSC attempts to control the detailed design solutions, rather than relying on the contractor’s Safety Committee and design function, then Enterprise will take responsibility from the designer. Enterprise staff will be represented on the contractor’s Safety Committee and shall exercise influence at that forum and through setting appropriate requirements.

Project Safety Committee: Timing


Establish the PSC during the Concept phase of a project by the Customer, or Requirements Manager, through the Capability Working Group, in conjunction with the relevant Project Director, to set out the safety requirements for the equipment.

The PSC has an important role to play in influencing safety requirements. This is not mentioned in ‘PSC: Required Outputs’, below, but is possibly the PSC’s most important contribution.

Top Tip


The required frequency of the PSC meetings depends on various factors including the stage of the project, the complexity of the system, and whether the PSC is supported by Working Groups or has complete responsibility.  Hold meetings at greater frequency during periods of significant review and decision-making, typically when project milestones are approaching.

PSC meetings may occur less frequently during periods of stability, such as during the in-service phase, when fewer safety decisions are necessary.  However, the PSC still has an important duty to provide oversight of the Safety Case and ensure that it remains valid and monitoring safety performance.  Consider whether the system or its usage is changing and seeking counter-evidence that shows the predicted level of safety performance is not being achieved in practice.

Project Safety Committee: Required Inputs

The procedure may use the following reference inputs, as available:

  1. Outputs from procedure SMP01 – Safety Initiation;
  2. Documents to be reviewed such as:
    1. Project Safety Management Plan;
    2. Independent Safety Auditor Audit Plan (if appointed);
    3. Independent Safety Auditor Audit Report (if appointed);
    4. Other Safety Audit Plans (e.g. self or Peer audit);
    5. Safety Audit Report;
    6. Hazard Log Report;
    7. Safety Requirements;
    8. Safety Assessment Report;
    9. Safety Case Report.
  3. Acquisition System Guidance Functional Competencies for System Safety Management;
  4. Records of previous meetings of the Safety Committee.

Project Safety Committee: Required Outputs

The outputs of the procedure will comprise:

  1. Established Safety Committee membership;
  2. Defined Terms of Reference for the Safety Committee (see Further Guidance – Examples Terms of Reference for Project Safety Committee);
  3. Records of Safety Committee meetings, including advice given and the actions, agreed;
  4. The advice given by members of the Safety Committee should include recommendations on whether a reviewed document (e.g. Safety Management Plan or Safety Case Report) should be authorized by the Project Director. If authorization is not recommended, then the reasons should be recorded.


The establishment and management of a Project Safety Committee (PSC) are critical to the safe delivery of defense and engineering projects. Through clear objectives, expert membership, and rigorous oversight, the PSC ensures that safety remains at the forefront of project decision-making, thereby protecting both people and assets.

By following this comprehensive guide, organizations can structure their PSCs effectively, aligning with safety standards and regulatory requirements. The PSC is not just a procedural necessity; it is a cornerstone of responsible project management in safety-critical environments.

Annex A

Example Terms of Reference for Project Safety Committee

Terms of Reference for – Project XXXX


To provide a forum for monitoring and coordinating all safety management and risk reduction activities associated with the project to ensure effective levels of safety and provide an appraisal of the Safety Case. The Project Safety Committee reports to the Project Director or in a larger Delivery Team to the Safety Management Committee.


  1. Set and keep under review the project’s safety policy and strategy;
  2. Set and keep under review the project’s safety targets and objectives;
  3. Define the system boundaries for safety responsibility;
  4. Advise the Chairperson of the Safety Committee on the safety responsibilities of each authority associated with the project;
  5. Advise the Chairperson of the Safety Committee on the standards, statutory regulations, and any restrictions with which the projects should comply;
  6. Review, monitor, classify and allocate new equipment hazards as they are identified;
  7. Carry out reviews of the project’s Safety Case and progress on achieving safety targets, to a predetermined program, issuing the results to the Delegated Authority;
  8. Agree on any control measures necessary to reduce identified risks to ALARP;
  9. Ensure proper and timely availability of training and issue of documentation;
  10. Carry out actions from ISA, regulatory or internal audit findings;
  11. Operate a system for reviewing and monitoring safety performance and maintain the Safety Case.


  1. Delivery Team responsible for the procurement aspects of the project;
  2. Customer representative (Capability or Equipment Customer);
  3. Safety Officer (if appointed);
  4. Design organization;
  5. Delivery Team responsible for the support aspects of the project;
  6. Equipment User;
  7. Training Authority;
  8. Maintainer;
  9. Maintenance Authority;
  10. Specialist Advisors (as required):
    1. Defense Safety Regulators;
    2. Defense Ordnance Safety Group;
    3. Land Accident Prevention and Investigation Team;
    4. Military Aviation Accident Investigation Team;
    5. Serious Equipment Failure Investigation Team;
    6. Independent Safety Auditor;
    7. Interfacing Delivery Teams;
    8. Technical Specialists.

Acknowledgment of Copyright

In this article, I have used material from a UK Ministry of Defence guide, reproduced under the terms of the UK’s Open Government Licence.

Project Safety Committee: Who Would You Include?

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.

Blog Safety Management

Project Safety Initiation

In ‘Project Safety Initiation’ we look at what you need to do to get your safety project or program started.



stakeholder is anyone who will be affected by the introduction of the system and who needs to be consulted or informed about the development and fielding of the system, and anyone who contributes to the ultimate acceptance of the project.

We will look at the RACI chart of stakeholders under a later SMP.

Top Tip

Project Safety Initiation: Objectives

This procedure describes the start-up of safety management activities on a project. It identifies safety stakeholders and legislative and other standards that need to be satisfied. The procedure also creates the key elements of the safety management organization for the project.

In normal circumstances, this procedure would be applied at the outset of a project, early in the Concept phase. However, it can be applied at any point of the life cycle where it is necessary to initiate a formal safety management process on an existing system. The procedure may also be re-applied at significant points in the life cycle (e.g. after Full Business Case approval), to review and update the project safety arrangements and ensure that they continue to be appropriate.

Remember that a Project delivers on a specific:
a) Outcome, result or benefits, e.g. meeting requirements;
b) Schedule; and
c) Quality criteria, e.g. needed to realise benefits.

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Comprehensive Guide to Safety Management Procedure Initiation

Safety management is critical to any project, especially those involving complex systems with safety and environmental implications. This procedure outlines the early-stage safety processes that should be followed, assuming that the Program Director has already been appointed and safety responsibilities have been delegated to a competent team member within the delivery team. The goal of safety initiation is to ensure that safety management starts on a firm basis, identifying crucial stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and internal teams responsible for safety and environmental protection.

In this article, we will provide an in-depth understanding of the safety initiation process, stakeholder identification, project safety organization creation, compliance considerations, and necessary documentation.

Purpose of Safety Initiation

The primary objective of safety initiation is to commence the safety management process by:

  • Identifying stakeholders, regulators, and approval authorities.
  • Appointing a Project Safety Manager (PSM) and, if required, an Independent Safety Auditor (ISA).
  • Forming the Project Safety Committee (PSC).
  • Ensuring compliance with safety and environmental regulations and creating a responsible, accountable, consulted, informed (RACI) chart.

This procedure helps mitigate risks to project timelines, cost, and overall safety by ensuring safety requirements are identified and met early in the project lifecycle.

All applicable factors need to be lined up to ensure the success of a safety project or program.

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Project Safety Initiation: How It’s Done

1. Stakeholder Identification in Safety Initiation

The identification of stakeholders is crucial. Stakeholders include any individuals or groups impacted by the project’s development or operation, as well as those responsible for the project’s approval and compliance. This may include industry professionals, regulatory bodies, and environmental authorities. Here’s how to systematically identify and involve relevant stakeholders:

Who Are the Stakeholders?

A stakeholder is defined as anyone affected by the system or involved in its acceptance, including:

  • Individuals who are responsible for safety at any stage of the project.
  • Groups or individuals with safety information or requirements relevant to the project.
  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with specialized knowledge critical to project safety.

Consulting Key Stakeholders

At a minimum, the following must be consulted:

  • Project Sponsor (e.g., Director of the End Users’ Business Unit).
  • Equipment Users who will be directly affected.
  • Director Technical responsible for the technical aspects of the project.
  • Safety & Environmental Protection Group tasked with compliance.
  • Other Delivery Teams involved with subsystems or associated projects.

After identifying stakeholders, record their involvement and details in Form SMP01/F/02 – Register of Stakeholder Requirements and Information. External stakeholders such as other government departments or industry experts should also be logged into the communication plan. For complex projects, develop a communication plan outlining stakeholder contact details, responsibilities, and relevant security considerations.

It may be helpful to rename the project communication plan the Project Stakeholder Management Plan – what do you need from stakeholders for your Project to succeed?

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2. Ensuring Compliance with Safety Regulations

Compliance with safety and environmental regulations is a critical responsibility of the Delivery Team. The following methods ensure compliance across various safety aspects:

Key Compliance Strategies:

  • System Specifications: Delivery Teams develop specifications to meet user requirements, ensuring safety and environmental standards are incorporated.
  • Through Life Management Plan (TLMP): This plan outlines the long-term impact of safety and environmental legislation on equipment.
  • Enterprise Guidance: Use internal guidelines when creating contracts to include safety and environmental performance targets.

Sources for Regulatory and Legislative Information:

To maintain compliance with safety and environmental legislation, teams can access a wide range of resources, including:

  • Legislative registers held by the program teams.
  • Defense Regulator intranet pages.
  • Health & Safety Executive publications and other professional societies.
  • Suppliers, contractors, and consultants with expertise in safety and environmental law.

The Delivery Team must identify applicable legislation at the start of the project and continuously update a legislative register as part of the Safety Case.

For more information on this vital task, see the post on System Requirements Hazard Analysis here.

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3. Creating a Project Safety Organization

Establishing a robust safety management structure is essential to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations. The Safety Management Plan (SMP) will eventually document the project’s entire safety organization, but before that, some key safety roles need to be defined.

Steps to Set Up Project Safety Organization:

Develop a Project Safety RACI Chart: This chart defines who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed at different stages of the safety process.

Appoint a Competent Project Safety Manager (PSM): This individual is responsible for overseeing safety management throughout the project.

Appoint an Independent Safety Auditor (ISA): For complex or high-risk projects, appointing an ISA is advisable. The ISA ensures that safety audits are conducted independently.

Form a Project Safety Committee (PSC): This group will be responsible for monitoring and governing safety issues within the project.

3. Ensuring Compliance with Safety Regulations

Compliance with safety and environmental regulations is a critical responsibility of the Delivery Team. The following methods ensure compliance across various safety aspects:

Key Compliance Strategies:

  • System Specifications: Delivery Teams develop specifications to meet user requirements, ensuring safety and environmental standards are incorporated.
  • Through Life Management Plan (TLMP): This plan outlines the long-term impact of safety and environmental legislation on equipment.
  • Enterprise Guidance: Use internal guidelines when creating contracts to include safety and environmental performance targets.

Sources for Regulatory and Legislative Information:

To maintain compliance with safety and environmental legislation, teams can access a wide range of resources, including:

  • Legislative registers held by the program teams.
  • Defense Regulator intranet pages.
  • Health & Safety Executive publications and other professional societies.
  • Suppliers, contractors, and consultants with expertise in safety and environmental law.

The Delivery Team must identify applicable legislation at the start of the project and continuously update a legislative register as part of the Safety Case.

4. Safety Documentation and Records

Documenting safety processes ensures accountability and maintains a clear safety management trail. These records feed into critical project documentation, including:

  • System Specification: Defines specific safety requirements.
  • Customer-Supplier Agreement: Documents agreements on safety information.
  • Through Life Management Plan (TLMP): Outlines the ongoing safety and environmental impact.
  • Safety Elements in Business Case Submissions: Ensures all safety-related information is considered in formal project submissions.

Outputs to Record:

  1. Appointed PSM and ISA, if appropriate;
  2. Completed Form SMP01/F/01 – Safety Operating Environment Questionnaire;
  3. Completed Form SMP01/F/02 – Register of Stakeholder Requirements and Information, which should be reviewed and updated as the project proceeds;
  4. Completed Form SMP01/F/03 – Register of Safety Legislation and Other Significant Requirements, which should be reviewed and updated as the project proceeds.

Proper documentation supports future audits, stakeholder engagement, and compliance efforts. Competent to perform the required responsibilities.

5. Importance of Competence in Safety Management

Competence in safety management is key to project success. The competence of the PSM and ISA must be demonstrated and documented to assure that they can effectively discharge their safety responsibilities.

Consequences of Incompetence or Delays:

Failure to appoint competent individuals or delay the initiation of safety management procedures can lead to:

  • Increased risk to project timelines and costs.
  • Delayed engagement with stakeholders.
  • Overlooked safety and environmental requirements.

Conclusion: Importance of Early Safety Management Initiation

Initiating a structured safety management process at the early stages of a project is crucial for ensuring compliance with safety and environmental standards. By identifying stakeholders, setting up a robust safety organization, ensuring compliance, and maintaining accurate documentation, the project minimizes risks, avoids delays, and maintains clear communication with all involved parties.

Project Safety Initiation: Timing

Initial Application

In an acquisition program, the procedure should be carried out early in the Concept phase.  Stakeholders, system boundaries, supporting systems/arrangements, and acceptance authorities need to be identified as early as possible to support the subsequent Preliminary Hazard Identification activity (Procedure SMP04 – Preliminary Hazard Identification) and the preparation of the SMP.

The procedure can be applied at any point of the life cycle where it is necessary to initiate a formal safety management process.


The registers of stakeholders and requirements should be reviewed and updated after the Outline Business Case and Full Business Case as part of the review and update of the SMP.

New Safety Managers could also use this as a take-over checklist, to make sure all necessary decisions have been made and clearly documented.

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Acknowledgment of Copyright

In this article, I have used some material from a UK Ministry of Defence guide, reproduced under the terms of the UK’s Open Government Licence.

Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:

•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;

•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);

•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;

•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;

•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.