Welcome to Module Five, More Resources for Risk Assessment. We’re on the home straight now! This is the last of the five modules. I will let you know where to get more resources and help on these topics.
Course Learning Objectives
- Describe fundamental risk concepts;
- Explain what a system safety approach is and does;
- Define what a risk analysis program is;
- List the hazard analysis tasks that make up a program;
- Select tasks to meet your needs;
- Design a tailored risk analysis program for any application; and
- Know how to get more information and resources.
More Resources for Risk Assessment: Transcript
Copyright/Source Statement
“First, I want to point out that I’ve been referring to a standard; Military Standard 882E, a copyright-free publication. It’s a US standard and is available to download for free at many different locations. One of them is the US Defence Acquisition University. As far as I can tell, this is the official home of it now. You can search for ‘DAU’ or ‘Defence Acquisition University’ [to find it]. And when you go there, this is a search function, which is very good. You’ll find 882E very easily. But here’s the link for reference now.
So that is copyright-free. This presentation, of course, is copyright The Safety Artisan of this year (2021). But it’s also worth saying that there’s a lot more out there. There’s more help you can get than the standard by itself. The Defence Acquisition University for some reason doesn’t seem to publish much on 882E, either in the way of guidance or help on how to use this standard.
For More…
If you want more information, please feel free to go to The Safety Artisan channel on YouTube; subscribe to the channel and click on the bell symbol to get informed whenever a new video comes out. There are lots of free videos on The Safety Artisan channel. And also short free demo versions of the paid videos. So, if you want to look at a video to see whether you think it’s worth buying, there will be a free version on there. Either a two-minute thing with subtitles or, for a lot of the lessons, there’s a full seven minutes. It’s the first seven minutes of the lesson. So you can get a flavor of what’s there.
And then for more videos and resources, you can visit this site, www.safetyartisan.com. That’s got all the information there. It’s a secure site. Here you can sign up for regular emails from The Safety Artisan. And that will get you a free Course Triple Bundle. Please feel free to help yourself and look at the free goodies!
Mil-Std-882E Analysis Tasks

But also, there are ‘paid lessons’ on each one of the 10 [Mil-Std-882E] Tasks. Lessons on average are about – most of the lessons are about forty-five minutes. Some are a little bit shorter at thirty-five minutes. And the Environmental one is an hour. As is, the Health Hazard Analysis one. That’s because those are very complex tasks. So they vary from about 35 to 60 minutes in length each.

What and Why?
And for each of those old video training sessions, you will get some in-depth training on each task. Your training video will include a full description of the task, plus a commentary that I provide. You will get a full written transcript of the video as well. And if you go there, the page will tell you the benefits of each task. What it’s designed to do and how to apply it. Its pros and cons. And my expert tips from long and sometimes bitter experience on how to get the most out of these tasks. Also, pitfalls to avoid.
In Conclusion – Learning Objectives
Let’s recap, for this entire course, the five modules. You should now be able to describe your fundamental research concepts from Module One. From Module Two, you should be able to explain what a system safety approach is and does. You should be able to define what a risk analysis program is. You should be able to list the Hazard Analysis Tasks that make up a Safety Program. Or a Risk Analysis Program.
Critically, you should be able to select which tasks you need to meet your needs. And by doing that repeatedly, you should then be able to design a tailored Risk Analysis Program. And you should be able to do this for pretty much any application. And in the final module, you will have learned how to get more information. And where to find more in-depth resources on each of those 10 tasks. That’s in case you should need to go to the next level.
So, that’s what we’ve covered in this session.
And it just remains for me to say thanks very much for buying this [course] video and supporting the work of The Safety Artisan. I’m Simon and I would like to say a personal thanks very much to you. Goodbye and hope to see you again soon.”
This is Module 5 of SSRAP
This is Module 5 from the System Safety Risk Assessment Program (SSRAP) Course. Risk Analysis Programs – Design a System Safety Program for any system in any application.
The full course comprises 15 lessons and 1.5 hours of video content, plus resources. It’s on sale now, so check out all the free preview videos here!
Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:
•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;
•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);
•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;
•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;
•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.