This is ‘How to Get the Most from The Safety Artisan #3’.
Last time #2, I posted about the two major focus areas for The Safety Artisan’s teaching. These are System Safety and Australian Work Health and Safety or WHS.
In my first post, I talked about the fundamental lessons under the start here topic. Even if you are experienced in safety, you may find that things are done very differently in another industry or country – I did.
Now for Something Completely Different
Hi everyone and welcome, to The Safety Artisan. I’m your host, Simon. In this post, I want to talk about how you can connect with me, The Safety Artisan, and get more out of the website.
There are three ways you can do this.
Sign Up for Free Monthly Email Updates
First of all, you can sign up for free monthly emails. In these, I share with subscribers what has recently been released on the website, and what is coming up in the near future.
You will never miss a topic or a subject that you might be interested in!

If you sign up, you will also get a free digital download and a discount offer on a bundle of courses. So what are you waiting for?
Follow on YouTube or Social Media
Second, you can follow the safety Artisan on YouTube or on social media. If you sign up on my YouTube Channel and tick for notifications, you will be reminded every time I issue a new video lesson.
I’m also on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google My Business, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Vkontakte. Phew!
On LinkedIn, you can see my full resume/CV and find my most popular articles.
Just Get in Touch
Third, you can directly get in touch with me by commenting on a post – ask a question! There is no such thing as a ‘dumb’ question, only dumb accidents.
You can also ask general questions by filling in the form on the Connect Page. (This is better than sending me a Direct Message on social media, as I get a lot of spam.)
There are a lot of different topics that I could cover. It is surprisingly difficult to find out what people really like to hear about. So, if there’s something that you want to learn about then just ask. I will bump the topic up on my ‘to do’ list.
That’s All, folks!
Well, that’s it from me, I hope you enjoy The Safety Artisan website and get as much as you can out of it. See you soon!
How to Get the Most from #3: What subjects do you want?
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