So, what I’m talking about today is safety and risk audit, that is about process, Q&A, and some personal experience. Also something called layered process audits, which I ran into while researching this webinar. I thought that sounded interesting – and it is! Those are today’s topics for the webinar.
Audit Process
I’m talking about the safety audit process based on the UK Acquisition Safety and Environmental Management System or ASEMs. This was developed by experts for the UK MOD, and I remember it being introduced when I used to work there.
It’s a very good system, it’s very thorough and complete. (It is effectively copyright-free, so I can share it with you, and you can access, use it, and modify it perfectly legally.)
First, we should recognize the Project Oriented Safety Management System (POSMS). It is project-oriented. So the idea is we’ve got a program, or a project, where we’re buying something – a piece of equipment or a service. We’re contracting for something. It’s a project with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
In POSMS, they refer to auditing as a ‘system audit’…
Personal Experience of Audit
Now, I’ve mentioned some personal experiences so far. But I’ve got a few specifics that I want to bring to your attention. I’m doing so on the basis of 25 years in the business of being a safety engineer (see ‘Meet the Author‘, below).
So I will talk very briefly, about safety audit, what is it really? I mean, we talked about process, the mechanics of it, but what are we trying to achieve?
When and why do we use audits? What practices should we be following? And what should we not be doing? That last one is important because it’s easy to do it wrong. Who can be an auditor?
Also, there’s a brief word about the three different terms that get commonly confused. There are Independent Safety Auditors, Independent Safety Assessors, and Independent Safety Advisors. They are all ‘ISA’s and that sometimes gets confusing. What are the differences?…
Get the Webinar
See the whole webinar at the Safety Engineering Academy. (You can get discounts on membership by subscribing to my free emails.)
Course Curriculum
There are LOTS of goodies in this one.
- Videos & Slides:
- Safety Audit Process – Webinar HighlightsFREE PREVIEW
- Safety Audit Process
- Personal Experience with Safety Auditing
- Layered Process Audit
- Safety Audit Q&A
- Safety Audit Webinar Slides
- Safety Audit Templates:
- aap01a-f-01 Audit Schedule
- aap01a-f-02 Audit Details Team Composition and Competence Record
- aap01a-g-01 Audit Competency Interim Guidance
- aap01b-f-01 Audit Plan
- aap01b-f-02 Audit Proforma
- aap01c-f-01 Record of Audit Meeting
- aap01d-f-01 Audit Report Template
- aap02-f-01 Monitoring Schedule
- aap02-f-02 Monitoring Data – Assessment Record
- aap03-f-01 Management Review Form
- aap04-f-01 Non-Conformance and Corrective Action Form
- )
There are five videos with an hour of content, (51 videos with 8.5 hours of webinar content in total). See it all at The Safety Engineering Academy here. More content is added every month.
Meet the Author

Learn safety engineering with me, an industry professional with 25 years of experience, I have:
•Worked on aircraft, ships, submarines, ATMS, trains, and software;
•Tiny programs to some of the biggest (Eurofighter, Future Submarine);
•In the UK and Australia, on US and European programs;
•Taught safety to hundreds of people in the classroom, and thousands online;
•Presented on safety topics at several international conferences.